At this very moment I'm peeling lika very colorful lizard. Skin is a very amazing thing. Kinda mind blowing actually. Yes, I got my 3rd-in-my-life worst sunburn. But is was worth it cuz I was in HAWAII!!! Last week I gotta go join my friend Grace up in Oahu where she's interning at SeaLife park and we had a blast. I decided that "when I grow up" I wanna live somewhere tropical and it's only 14 days to Hawaii by kayak. And you all are big, beefy roohers so I expect you to visit me in 12 days max. I'll be coxing you in spirit.
So first day we hung out on the beach like typical tourists and made a rad sandcastle (you're never too old to make one of those...moat and all), and went wave bobbing (salt water+nose=spew), and watched hot surfer dudes and saw lil "squishies" (think finding nemo) all over the sand washed up just waiting for a stray foot to sting. I also decided that sushi should be a food group in its own and we need to have more bonding experiences at Sushi Revolution in Tacoma.
We went snorkeling and I saw soooo many fish of all colors and shapes and sizes and I felt like a lil kid I was so excited. But it took me a while to figure out the mask and breathing tube thingamajiger...My fav fish is the parrot fish and I chased it all round the reef trying to get a pic of it. I also saw Gill and Dory and they send their love to y'all. Later that night we went into Honolulu and joined the night life a bit and watched Inception. My mind was blown. "Fall over, DAMN IT!!!" If you don't know what I mean, watch it. We also went sea kayaking in the bay that bred hammerhead sharks, running on the beach (calves!!!!), and hiking up to this lil lighthouse that was so beautiful and cuuuuute. ;) Pretty much I didn't wanna leave.
But I had to leave eventually cuz Alex came to visit this weekend!!! I had a blast showing him around ma homefront and hanging with the fam and riding carosels and floating down rivers and kicking his butt in a cherry pit spit contest and other such nonsense. :) And now he's gonna spend his next month backpacking and white water canoeing in Canada. Epic.
I just realized that I will be back at the Puge in less than a month!!! You have no clue how much I am trying to contain my excitement right now to see you all and have a reROOHnification. Ok loooooove to you all!!!
Peace and blessings,
I ♥ B-ham
Hellllo women of the oar!

My summer has been wild and gone by so fast, kinda like summer camp!
I'm up in beautiful Bellingham, WA living and working with my best friend from home, Rachel. We work 8 hours a day, and 10 on Wednesdays at the Youth Migrant Project in the Skagit Valley, with Mexican migrant children. Our job consists of mass-assembling lunches and snacks, handing them out, playing games with lots of rowdy kids, making 800 hotdogs once a week, and organizing an entire sub-program to feed 700 kids a week and spending lots of time in the sunshine! And to top it off, the Skagit Valley is a beautiful place to work--vast farmland nestled between the North Cascades and the San Juan Islands.
Bellingham life is, although limited, very fun! Rachel and I have been doing sunset yoga in the park, lots of crafts in the sun, hiking the beautiful area, and I've been exploring my temporary town and loving it's hippie-granola feel. I've also learned that Bellingham sunsets are to die for, as the city is set upon a hill facing west... perfect for sunset watching!
Finally, my house is hilarious. Rachel and I live with a group of sarcastic, fun-loving, and loud lacrosse girls who love to cook, drink, and paint. And of course, the man of the house is MOOSE. Moose is Rachel's Holland Lop bunny who is the cutest thing on this planet. He's sitting in my lap right now!

Hope all is well in every place this is being read!
Yip! Yip! Yip!

My summer has been wild and gone by so fast, kinda like summer camp!
I'm up in beautiful Bellingham, WA living and working with my best friend from home, Rachel. We work 8 hours a day, and 10 on Wednesdays at the Youth Migrant Project in the Skagit Valley, with Mexican migrant children. Our job consists of mass-assembling lunches and snacks, handing them out, playing games with lots of rowdy kids, making 800 hotdogs once a week, and organizing an entire sub-program to feed 700 kids a week and spending lots of time in the sunshine! And to top it off, the Skagit Valley is a beautiful place to work--vast farmland nestled between the North Cascades and the San Juan Islands.
Bellingham life is, although limited, very fun! Rachel and I have been doing sunset yoga in the park, lots of crafts in the sun, hiking the beautiful area, and I've been exploring my temporary town and loving it's hippie-granola feel. I've also learned that Bellingham sunsets are to die for, as the city is set upon a hill facing west... perfect for sunset watching!
Finally, my house is hilarious. Rachel and I live with a group of sarcastic, fun-loving, and loud lacrosse girls who love to cook, drink, and paint. And of course, the man of the house is MOOSE. Moose is Rachel's Holland Lop bunny who is the cutest thing on this planet. He's sitting in my lap right now!

Hope all is well in every place this is being read!
Yip! Yip! Yip!
message to be passed on from shelby
shelby left me this video on facebook and it should be added to our lovely collection of quotable videos
Just a fun pool moment
I went to Palm Springs this past weekend with my best friend Cailynn (you would all love her, we'll have to set up some skype dates for you to meet her) and there was this flamboyantly gay black guy with the best eyebrows ever. Like Mariah-- you would be jealous. They were incredibly tame, shaped, and NOT wild at all. HOKAY SO H'ANYWAYS: There was this Mexican family there blasting what was actually a great music mix with really eclectic and popular selections from Frank Sinatra to Daft Punk to Pitbull... anyways, Michael Jackson came on and Browz, as I like to call him, gets out of his pool lounger and starts to do all of the MJ moves. It was SO funny. Daft Punk came on later and he electro-danced his butt off... in the water-- I felt like I was watching water aerobics.. or synchronized swimming... or an epileptic.. But it was equally as hilarious.
Best moment: it rained during 100 degree weather. BIZARRE. That just ain't right. But it was refreshing =]
Love you all!
Best moment: it rained during 100 degree weather. BIZARRE. That just ain't right. But it was refreshing =]
Love you all!
OK, well here is my update: I am tan!!! woo hoo i love that however irish i may act, i can still get my brown on, except for my poor stomach, it does not get to join in on the fun because of a parks & rec rule. However being tan=hours and hours in the sun teaching swim lessons, selling concessions, and telling people when to "go" down the slide, and being in the sun=NO ENERGY!! that combined with the abnormally super hott portland weather we've been experiencing= i haven't been working out like i've wanted to :( :( :(
so i need inspiration, i need rooh
so i need inspiration, i need rooh
so we might be spending the summer making fitness part of our identities and all but seriously. someone update this thing. it's been a week and the last one was from me. good golly i write a lot :P
miss you guys<3
miss you guys<3
Diving back in
Well this morning i went back to working out. I swear it's like for every day you take off it's like losing 2 hard work out days because it's was NOT fun. It was a course that i've done plenty of times but i had to stop at the top for my mouth and my lungs. which was really sad but i understand that it's gunna come back the more i run
and thanks to Kenzie about the email. I'm not at school now and i hardly ever check that one...i really should have it just forwarded to my normal email.
Well i also start back at work today. And i'm at a new place called Bear Lodge! and i'm working all by my lonesome! :S but i'm sure i'll make it out okay.
Robert comes home tomorrow, for anyone who is interested and i am pretty sure that i'm freaking out. but it's okay because well i have all of you guys.
and it's really really hard because katie (my LC workout counterpart) her best friend from school and rower as well kaylee is coming on monday and i'm jealous that she's actually got someone from her team there. soooo fun. I miss hellish workouts with you guys and having Lindsay's mash-up erg mix keeping my head in the game... or the lesser appreciated mix that katie and I made (mostly katie but i wrote on the cd) that accidently has forever young by bob dylan instead of the new remix of it.
but enough with sad stuff
lets talk about happiness
ECLIPSE WAS AMAZING :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D oh goodness i need to watch it with you guys because honestly there are so many jokes in that movie. I love it it's fantastic and basically yea
alright i'll keep this one short. i hope you guys liked my swollen face. and i'm officially off the vicodin! (i've got extras if someone's willing to pay the right price) just kidding. Doing drugs are bad
i love you guys!
sorry for the lack of puns but i guess i f-OAR-got
that was pathetic and i'm slightly ashamed :)
and thanks to Kenzie about the email. I'm not at school now and i hardly ever check that one...i really should have it just forwarded to my normal email.
Well i also start back at work today. And i'm at a new place called Bear Lodge! and i'm working all by my lonesome! :S but i'm sure i'll make it out okay.
Robert comes home tomorrow, for anyone who is interested and i am pretty sure that i'm freaking out. but it's okay because well i have all of you guys.
and it's really really hard because katie (my LC workout counterpart) her best friend from school and rower as well kaylee is coming on monday and i'm jealous that she's actually got someone from her team there. soooo fun. I miss hellish workouts with you guys and having Lindsay's mash-up erg mix keeping my head in the game... or the lesser appreciated mix that katie and I made (mostly katie but i wrote on the cd) that accidently has forever young by bob dylan instead of the new remix of it.
but enough with sad stuff
lets talk about happiness
ECLIPSE WAS AMAZING :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D oh goodness i need to watch it with you guys because honestly there are so many jokes in that movie. I love it it's fantastic and basically yea
alright i'll keep this one short. i hope you guys liked my swollen face. and i'm officially off the vicodin! (i've got extras if someone's willing to pay the right price) just kidding. Doing drugs are bad
i love you guys!
sorry for the lack of puns but i guess i f-OAR-got
that was pathetic and i'm slightly ashamed :)
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