

Since i decided you guys needed a good read I am going to go ahead and update this thing :)
The month of July has simply FLOWN past! A combination of constantly working and finally having my boyfriend home from Paraguay has just made time fly.
It's also been a slight struggle-fest. I think I kinda burned myself out on the whole "make fitness part of your lifestyle" and took a slide downhill but I'm slowly climbing back to consistently working out every day. I've been trying to think of more interesting things like hiking and races but my work schedule has me from 130-1030 almost every night.
I've decided I need to make two signs at my work
the first one:

I am not the front desk and I CANNOT fix your room keys

the second one:

Refunds are not directly proportional to the volume of your voice.

seriously.... i know people pay a LOT of money to get to alaska. but really? there is no need to cuss out someone you don't know behind a desk. At least now I know I never want to work with customer services.... i guess knowing what I don't wanna do is closer then where i was before the summer started
but the job has it's perks, like discounted tours in Denali
me and my best friend paige took a road trip on our days off and went to Denali, stayed at their lodge for 30 bucks a night, went white water rafting on the Nenana river (which were class 3+ rapids and SO MUCH FUN) for free, went on ATV tours for free, and had dinner for free.
we were also suppose to go on a helicopter tour of Denali but we were so tired we accidently slept through it but thank god... it was free.
if ANY of you ever wanna come to Denali, seriously tell me I'll get you a good deal. and yes i'm trying to bribe any and all to come visit me in alaska... i will stoop that low... is it working?

Appart from that I'm trying to at least run every day before work now, and get a little more of my midnight sun in before I head back to washington. It's midnight here now and it's actually semi-dark. like twilight-ey.....

Oh i was at my friend paiges house the other day and there were other people who i work with there and i wore my new attire wherever i go in fairbanks... which is normally brightly colored spandex from Vals' customized (i have had so many people ask about my spandex and i'm kind of a big deal :P ) and i may have blown some people away with the outrageousness of my outfit and it just made me laugh because i'm quite use to seeing others in similar clothing choices :) that will be nice to be around once more
and can i just say
i'm super pumped to get a novice buddy :)
i hope i do not frighten them
because i LOOOOOOOOVE mine :)

AND I'M SUPER SAD THAT LIKE 82.6 % OF THE TEAM IS NOT GOING TO BE AT SCHOOL THIS FIRST SEMESTER BACK! I kinda had forgotten that a good portion of people are going on exchange, which from what Robert tells me is THE BEST thing you can possibly do. He actually kinda is talking me into the idea as well so I may be looking into that one :)
but alas so sad, but still exciting :)
I hope eveyrone liked my novel today/tonight
i'm going to go fool around on my guitar now :)
i love and miss you all and will look forward to seeing you all within the month :)
From the Farthest North Member of UPS CREW