So, what have I been up to? Absolutely nothing! Well, that's kind of a lie, but I don't have any cool jobs or internships or anything. Sad day. My mom has been paying me to do a variety of things around the house. I gardened for three hours one day and got the worst sunburn of my life on my back! Skin cancer, here I come. I've also been filing a lot...going through all my parents old papers and getting rid of stuff. I found one of my kindergarten art projects, and I can say with confidence that it was the peak of my artistic abilities.
My dad and I went on a wonderful weekend camping trip a couple weeks ago in the Mendocino National Forest, which is at the the southern part of the Coastal Mountain Range northwest of Sacramento. It was GORGEOUS! Sunny, warm but not too warm, and absolutely stunning scenery. I haven't loaded any of the pictures onto my computer yet, otherwise I would post one of the view we had at our second reminded me of the Sound of Music...alpine meadow with snowy mountains in the background!

I'm leaving for Chicago in two days...I'll be there for about 4.5 days and I'm SO excited. I get to see Levis, go to copious amounts of museums, eat lots of food, and try to stay in shape! Then I'm going to Utah for a couple days for obligatory summer grandma visit.
Last thing: I'm doing a sprint triathlon on August 6, so I've been halfway training for that. If you have any tri tips for a first-timer, PLEASE send them my way!
I miss all of you lovelies! Can't WAIT to be re-ROOH-nited! :)
Ridiculous amounts of ROOH love,
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